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You're more ready than you think

020 8496 3437


Waltham Forest Online Information Event – 4 February

Event details

Event Date: 04/02/2025

Event Time: 10am to 11am

Event Organiser: Waltham Forest

Our informal online event is an introduction to fostering with Waltham Forest.

A social worker from the fostering service and an experienced foster carer will deliver a short presentation which includes details of our benefit package.

This will be followed by a question and answer session.

To find out about how your Council supports foster carers, click the logos below

We’re the choice for people from all backgrounds—single, coupled up, LGBTQ+, renting, or owning—who want to open their hearts and homes to local children and become part of a loved local community.

Fill out this short form and one of our team will reach out for an open and honest chat. Or feel free to call us on 020 8496 3437 or email hello@localcommunityfostering.co.uk.

You’re more ready than you think.

Fostering Enquiry New

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